22nd December 2024

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Serving the people of Shirebrook

Eats & Treats

Posted: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 10:00 by Jennifer Jeffery

Eats and Treats events are provided, free of charge, to bring together a wide range of statutory and voluntary services, all together in one place, in a welcoming and relaxing environment in order to engage with families.

Please see the list below of the agencies that will be there, on the day, to offer support and advice as well as encourage take up of their service.

Adult Education, Age UK DD, BDC, BDC Shirebrook Contact Centre, Bolsover Community Safety Partnership, Brook Park, C/field Shopmobility, Community Outreach - BDC, DCC, DCC Adult Care , DCC public health, DCHSFT, DDCIL, Derbyhsire Recovery Partnership, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service , EMH Care and Support, Family Action Derbyshire Perinatal Service, Hardwick Hall (National Trust), Healthwatch Derbyshire, IMLT, Live Life Better Derbyshire Wellbeing Service, Making Space, P3 Amber Trust, RELEASE (BUDGET BUDDIES), Rhubarb Farm, Sight Support Derbyshire , Talent Match, Turning Point, United Response, Wheels to Work, Oral Health, Derbyshire Libraries, Polish Community Association - Polish Tasting Buffet, Claire Colgan - Therapist

These events are very friendly, non-threatening and offer lots of little treats as incentives such as; fruit, cake, craft activities, giveaways (pens, etc), mini manicures, a £5 Coop voucher, free raffle and a Polish tasting buffet.

A crèche will be provided and a few small activities for any older children who will be accompanying their parent(s).

These events are becoming very well attended and produce some excellent outcomes.

Please note this event is for FAMILIES ONLY (a family is anyone with a child aged under 18 or, if the child has a disability, under 25).

Please click here to book your place.

Last updated: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 09:35